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Customer Sucess Professional, Paris                           Age:43

I started this journey with a goal that I will not take any medicines unless I am in a critical condition without I reached out to Nellicare who helped me with my request. 

At the beginning of this journey, i had objections from all family members who could not understand this new change of lifestyle after few months, they understood this change is  not just for me but its also for them in a near future as today's lifestyle(working, eating, sleeping) is more of what is publicizes and openly discussed with friends, colleagues, or family members and the real healthy lifestyle is almost forgot. With Nellicare’s constant monitoring and encouragement I am in a position today where I should have been in for a long time ago.


A final word of truth from me : Start to take care of yourself before it's too late ! and this journey is not that easy. It requires constant effort : every day, every hour, every minute, but when you reach the goal, you would look back and say that what you have achieved is huge and take good credits for your work…


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